Many lit votive candles by cross.

Our History

Good Samaritan is a haven of peace, healing, and caring, where a true sense of ‘family’ is shared by all; where the ’old timer’ and the visitor are made to feel equally welcome. The love we have for Jesus, and for each other, can be felt. We are grateful to our Lord, Jesus Christ, for our many blessings, for His guidance through the years, and for the awesome privilege of being a member of his Holy Church in this beautiful place. We are part of God’s family, and we look forward to the future as we journey hand in hand with our Lord. With sure confidence in His love as a solid foundation, we will continue in our efforts to make this a “House of Prayer for All People”.

Good Samaritan was founded by a pioneering group of people who had high aspirations that a new parish would bring rich blessings to all who worshiped here and would serve the community in outreach to others. Building on the reality of the dreams that our founders recognized and the leadership of the priests who have faithfully served our parish and the members whose love of God and their fellow parishioners is so clearly shown, the church has become a center of prayer, study, fellowship, and outreach into the community and the world beyond.


Organized in 1956 upon petition by Clearwater residents, the congregation saw a need to move into newly developing residential areas where other denominations were also establishing themselves to meet the needs of an expanding population. The Good Samaritan congregation met at the Clearwater High School for two years until a building could be completed to serve as a worship space. In 1964 that building became the parish house when the current sanctuary was consecrated on the property. Initially formed as a mission church (and governed by a Bishop's Committee), Good Samaritan received full parish status in 1961. However, we returned to mission status five years ago during a time of stressful transitions. The core of the congregation remained faithful and were convinced that God continued to call them to God's unique purpose in an ever-changing culture. Led by supply priests and, for a two-year period, a part-time priest, the church is blessed currently with the leadership and care of a priest-in-charge. In this extended period of transition, while the congregation ages and some younger people have sought the stability of larger, established congregations, the Holy Spirit continues to lead us into the future.

Bishop's Committee

Priest; The Rev. Dr Richard Effinger
Barbara Pailley - Senior Warden (2024)
Don Casey - Jr. Warden (2025)
Donna Davis (2026)
Chuck Gargola (2026)
Mary Speck (2026)
Diane Sharp (2026) - Treasurer
Jeannine Hampton (2025)

True to our heritage and Jesus' example of the Good Samaritan, we continue to ask, "Who is our neighbor?" We look for essential and creative ministries as our response to Jesus' story and the directive, "Go and do likewise." Especially at this time, we know ourselves to be in a season of holy listening. Recently, after Sunday worship, teams of people drove around surrounding neighborhoods, heightening our awareness of the community.