Church organist playing at pipe organ.

Episcopal Church Women

Spearhead fundraising efforts to support worldwide missions (specifically in the Dominican Republic and Honduras) as well as many local charities. The list of local charities is impressive; it includes St. James House of Prayer (after-school child care, tutoring, and meals), Lighthouse for the Blind, Guide Dogs of SWFL, Kimberly Home, the Haven (for victims domestic violence), Grace House (transitional housing for homeless families), and summer camp scholarships to DaySpring, our diocesan conference center.


(Faith and Action for Strength Together)
"Justice is what Love looks like in public!"
Good Samaritan is a founding member of this interfaith justice network comprised of 40
faith communities working together to promote social justice throughout Pinellas County.

The Haven

The Haven is a domestic violence and abuse shelter located in Clearwater. They provide shelter, food, clothing, education and training. Good Samaritan’s Episcopal Church Women and Daughters of the King collect children and women’s clothing, baby supplies, furniture, and women’s daily needs on a regular basis and at a shower given for women and children each year.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Monday and Friday–6:45PM in the Parish Hall

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multi-racial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Meals of Hope

For seven years, along with five other churches of the Clearwater Deanery, Good Samaritan has funded and packed dry-food meals for the Religious Community Services Food Bank. (In 2019, 150 people packed 82,000 meals in a very labor-intensive morning.) There has been recent discussion among the churches about continuing their collaboration in another area of ministry/mission.

Episcopal Relief & Development

Episcopal Relief and Development is Diocesan led and works in collaboration with church partners and other local organizations to facilitate healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities that struggle with hunger, poverty disaster and disease. Episcopal Relief and Development works around the world as well as here in the US responding to and rebuilding after disaster and disease. We again follow our baptismal covenant of working for justice and peace and respecting the dignity of all human beings. Good Samaritan generously helps in sponsoring programs through individual and Episcopal Church Women donations.

Kimberly House

Kimberly Home is a free nonprofit pregnancy resource center. They offer many programs, including pregnancy testing, emotional support, 24 hour crisis hot line, maternity and child clothing, pregnancy counseling, classes in childbirth, nutrition, parenting, abuse prevention and counseling in educational goals, life skills and help in obtaining employment. Child care and transitional housing for pregnant women, is provided. Good Samaritan has made child blankets, donated supplies and given monetary donations to support this ministry.

Homeless Empowerment Project

The Homeless Empowerment Program is a residential shelter providing help to families, single adults, and veterans. Their goal is to enable the homeless and those in need to have a good quality of life and to restore their dignity. They provide counseling, educational opportunities, job training, food, clothing, and medical and dental services etc. Good Samaritan donates to HEP and also does hands on ministries such as cooking and serving a meal for their 150 -200 residents.

Mission in Dominican Republic

The Dominican Development Group provides mission teams to the Dominican Republic to support the mission of the Episcopal Church.

These teams consist of construction teams, medical teams and Vacation Bible School classes. These teams, approximately 40 to 50 per year, go mostly in the summer months and are self-supporting. Pictures below are of one of the churches we worked on and the team members.