Christian Prayer House

Liturgical Calendar & Associated Colors

Church year liturgical calendar seasons.

Seasonal Programs
Book Study

Bible study, book discussions, and formational forums (on week nights or Sunday after worship).

  • Advent Program
  • Advent Quiet Day
  • Taize Service
  • Lenten Program
  • Stations of the Cross

Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King (DOK) are both lay and ordained women who desire a closer walk with the Lord. The DOK is organized as a religious order, who vow to live a Rule of Life of daily prayer, service and evangelism. Our Good Samaritan’s Order of the Daughters of the King is named St. Helena’s Chapter. We meet on the second Sunday of the month at 12PM.

Cursillo Grouping

The word Cursillo is short for Cursillos de Cristiandad, literally a short course of Christianity. The Cursillo movement began in the laity after World War II in Spain; it came to the United States and was translated into English.

An opportunity to grow in faith with spirituality and a continuing community that gives support and encouragement, empowering the renewed Christians to persevere in carrying out their Baptismal vows.

We are a group of Episcopalians eager to develop lay leadership across our diocese. Cursillo is one method for training, supporting and ongoing development of Christian leadership. The Cursillo method contains two main components; a 3-day weekend filled with 15 talks, group discussions, worship and fun; and the 4th-day that represents how we live out the Christian life in support of one another.

There are a lot of Spanish terms like Ultreya and DeColores. For more information on what these terms mean and about Cursillo and its history, go to our Diocesan website.


We have created teams (parishioners) that provide food for our fellowship hour after the 10am service. When there’s a fifth Sunday, the men prepare a breakfast.
Everyone enjoys a nice meal, and there’s a loving feeling among us. They seem to linger after the brunch/lunch, enjoying great fellowship while the team cleans up in the kitchen.

St. Elizabeth Guild

St. Elizabeth Guild is a ministry open to all women of Good Samaritan. They meet once per month at various restaurants for lunch and fellowship.

Men's Ministry

Good Samaritan men meet for breakfast and fellowship once per month. They volunteer their talents and time at the thrift store, many events at the church, and help to prepare breakfast for our 5th Sunday fellowship as well as the free community breakfasts we provide throughout the year.